Decent Catch today on the water. Current and wind were wonky and made conditions difficult. The damn spiny dogfish are relentless and just don`t stop. Looking forward to Tog season opening!

Decent Catch today on the water. Current and wind were wonky and made conditions difficult. The damn spiny dogfish are relentless and just don`t stop. Looking forward to Tog season opening! …
So…I haven`t been able to get out to Catch a bluefin this year, I decided to Print one out! And my buddy Bob was kind enough to hold the final product up for me.

So…I haven`t been able to get out to Catch a bluefin this year, I decided to Print one out! And my buddy Bob was kind enough to hold the final product up for me. …
Past couple trips out have been alright. Tuesday trip with Barry & Josh was decent…12 sea bass, a limit of Tog & a fat Porgy. Before the wind laid down, we`ve been stuck in the bay. Togging near the rock piles provided a surprise with a 25 lb black drum and a couple nice Porgy as well. Sadly….season is almost over!

Past couple trips out have been alright. Tuesday trip with Barry & Josh was decent…12 sea bass, a limit of Tog & a fat Porgy. Before the wind laid down, we`ve been stuck in the bay. Togging near the rock piles provided a surprise with a 25 lb black drum and a couple nice Porgy as well. Sadly….season is almost over! …
Yesterday was beautiful on the water….a little later stsrt helped out. Avoided the morning fog and let the sun warm things up a bit. I ran to some pots mid-mudhole that I have marked and threw some jigs… no luck. Pulled up on another with bait at the ready….no life. Leapfrogged another boat to the south and 70+ degree water around this one pot… on! Threw some bait, and the electric blue fish came to life. No great size to them, but there were loads of them in the school. Back and forth between 2 light bait rods. I caught my limit and went fluking. It was easier catching the mahi than fluke…lol. Not a bad day on the Water for me.
Fluke were caught on FishBites grubs….rat seabass were eating the gulp tails! Fishbites resisted the seabass and produced.

Yesterday was beautiful on the water….a little later stsrt helped out. Avoided the morning fog and let the sun warm things up a bit. I ran to some pots mid-mudhole that I have marked and threw some jigs… no luck. Pulled up on another with bait at the ready….no life. Leapfrogged another boat to the south and 70+ degree water around this one pot… on! Threw some bait, and the electric blue fish came to life. No great size to them, but there were loads of them in the school. Back and forth between 2 light bait rods. I caught my limit and went fluking. It was easier catching the mahi than fluke…lol. Not a bad day on the Water for me.
Fluke were caught on FishBites grubs….rat seabass were eating the gulp tails! Fishbites resisted the seabass and produced.
Good morning…was out on the dock in Maine yesterday during this much needed vacation. Have come to find out Jessie, our 3yo German Shepherd is a dock dog! Can`t miss out on the action here.
Our next club meeting is This Friday…August 9th in Atlantic Highlands. Would love for You to come out, check out the Fishing club, and become a part of this.

Good morning…was out on the dock in Maine yesterday during this much needed vacation. Have come to find out Jessie, our 3yo German Shepherd is a dock dog! Can`t miss out on the action here.
Our next club meeting is This Friday…August 9th in Atlantic Highlands. Would love for You to come out, check out the Fishing club, and become a part of this.
This was the FINAL results here on the board. A bunch of nice fish on the board here. Thanks to all the entrants who took part in our 2024 Fluke tournament this year. Without you and our sponsors, we could not have made this a success! All the hard work our members put in made it all come together. Thank you again and looking forward to 2025. Will send out an updated list of winners via email blast this week as well.

This was the FINAL results here on the board. A bunch of nice fish on the board here. Thanks to all the entrants who took part in our 2024 Fluke tournament this year. Without you and our sponsors, we could not have made this a success! All the hard work our members put in made it all come together. Thank you again and looking forward to 2025. Will send out an updated list of winners via email blast this week as well. …
This is the Saturday leaderboard for the tournament. We had a stronger turnout than anticipated Friday night at the Captains meeting and a nice day of fishing on the water. Considering the forecast and radar images, it really turned out to be a nice day today! Congrats to those weighed in today and looking forward to more big fish tomorrow. Tight lines!!

This is the Saturday leaderboard for the tournament. We had a stronger turnout than anticipated Friday night at the Captains meeting and a nice day of fishing on the water. Considering the forecast and radar images, it really turned out to be a nice day today! Congrats to those weighed in today and looking forward to more big fish tomorrow. Tight lines!! …